SPSD Superintendent

It is an honor to be serving as the Superintendent of South Pike School District. I feel truly blessed to be the leader of such an awesome school community.
South Pike School District is committed to doing all that is necessary to make this school year and many others a successful experience for every student. I firmly believe that a home/school partnership is necessary for the success of all of our students. Learning is not an easy process! It involves sharing ideas, making mistakes, and attempting new experiences. Learning involves hard work by everyone, the teacher, the parent, the principal, but most importantly the student.
As an accomplished, visionary leader in the academic sector with 18 years of educational experience, the last 8 years have been dedicated to the leadership role as the principal of Osyka Elementary School of the South Pike School District. I have been a proud member of Eagle Nation for 15 years.
During my educational journey I have served as an assistant teacher, teacher (Eva Gordon Elementary), South Pike School District Reading Specialist, and principal. During my time at South Pike I have been chosen as the Teacher of the Year (2012) and Administrator of the Year (2018, 2019, and 2021). I have also served as an adjunct professor at the University of Southern Mississippi in the Department of Education.
My educational training has taken place at Southwest Mississippi, Community College, William Carey University, The University of Mississippi, and Belhaven University.
Full participation in academic and curricular programs and a willingness to act responsibly as an individual within our educational environment are the factors that enable all to have a successful and enjoyable year.
Dr. Angela Lowery, Ed.D.